CE Marking & Declaration of Performance (DoP)
The constructor or sub-constructor installing the interior claddings, has the final responsibility that building products with the correct fire classification are used.

For building elements, it is not enough to provide a test report showing the reaction to fire classification according to EN 13501-1. As a part of the CE marking, the reaction to fire classification must be declared in a Declaration of Performance (DoP), all according to a specific harmonized standard. For Gustafs products the standard for reprocessed gypsum boards is applied (standard EN 14190:2014). There is a very crucial difference in DoP’s for combustible products improved by fire retardants and products with a non-combustible material composition. You should really ask for the available DoP before making your prescriptions or enquiries for products that can save lives. Read more below so you can make a safe choice.
Control system for fire classifications
In the DoP it must be stated if the constancy of performance of the construction product has been validated by a self declaration (system 3) or a third party declaration (system 1). See Annex V of the standard N 14190:2014.
System 1: The certificate of constancy of performance is issued by a notified product certification body, based on factory production control and further testing of samples taken at the factory. The EN 13501-1 fire tests must be made by a third party.
System 3: The certificate of constancy of performance is issued by the manufacturer, based on factory production control and further testing of samples taken at the factory. The EN 13501-1 fire tests must be made by a third party.
Regarding the performance Reaction to Fire, table ZA.2 in standard EN 14190:2014 regulates for the building products if the DoP must be validated by control system 1 or 3.
– Validation by System 1: is required for all products for which the Reaction to Fire has been improved by adding fire retardants (impregnations and lacquers).
– Validation by System 3 is used for all products for which the Reaction to Fire is not a result of adding fire retardants (impregnations and lacquers)
– On site: Post treatments on site, like improving the reaction to fire by FR coatings cannot be CE marked.
Gustafs’ Declaration of Performance (DoP)
The DoP Documents are not available for direct downloading. Please send us a request to achieve the documents.
DoP Request