Core material guide for interior panelling
If you like our lively surfaces you will Love our dead core
The production of interior cladding for public environments requires high standards for the material to be installed. That’s why we always recommend our customers to use our products with our high-density, reinforced fibre gypsum core for their projects. The fibre gypsum is a dead material that contributes unbeatable advantages in terms of dimensional stability, fire resistance, acoustics, emissions and sustainability. In this section we review and compare different board materials.

Unaffected by indoor climate changes, fibre gypsum doesn’t bulge, warp or swell – making large panels and zero-spaced joints perfectly viable. The end-result will be beautiful and remain so over the full lifetime.

Fire Safety
Non-combustible and homogeneous by nature, fibre gypsum doesn’t need chemicals to achieve its fire rating, remaining safe even with acoustic perforations or when cut. The panel, with wood veneer and solid wood edging, is still 97% fibre gypsum, with a fire classification up to b-s1,d0.

Acoustically, the use of wall cladding with a higher density is usually favourable compared to lighter materials. Fibre gypsum-based panels are heavier than wood-based wall cladding materials and sound waves will not make them vibrate or resonate.

Thanks to the cores high density and low thermal conductivity, the panels help to maintain room temperature, reducing the need for cooling or heating.
Fibre gypsum contains of 94% recycled material. Even better is the fact that 17% of the total content comes from post-consumer recycled material, very important for the certification of buildings.

Fibre Gypsum cores are extremely low emitting. One of the reasons is that they are produced without wood binders and automatically without added urea-formaldehyde or isocyanates. Interior Panels and Ribs, containing 97% Fibre Gypsum, will per definition have very low TVOC and formaldehyde emissions.