How to install Gustafs products

Product sheets, Installation Instructions and CAD-files

Product sheets – Capax Installation System

Linear System, Ceiling
PRODUCTS: Capax: Linear Rib-S, R – XL – Plank
Linear System, Wall
PRODUCTS: Capax: Linear Rib-S, R – XL
Panel System, Ceiling
PRODUCTS: Capax: Panels – Module – Lamellow – T24
Panel System, Wall
PRODUCTS: Capax: Panels – Plank

Installation Instructions & Operation and Maintenance

Panel System – Ceiling
PRODUCTS: Gustafs Panel System – Ceiling
Panel System – Wall
PRODUCTS: Gustafs Panel System – Wall
Linear System – Ceiling CD
PRODUCTS: Linear Rib-R & Rib-S, Linear Stripe-XL
Linear System – Wall
PRODUCTS: Linear Rib-R & Rib-S, Linear Stripe-XL
PRODUCTS: Linear Rib Narrow
Linear Module – Ceiling
PRODUCTS: Linear Module FS
PRODUCTS: Linear Module T24
Linear Module – Wall
PRODUCTS: Linear Module


Panel System
CAD Installation System .zip
Linear System – Ceiling-CD Rib
Ceiling CD Insulation | .zip
Rib Sheets | .dwg .zip
Rib Model with U-fix | .ifc, .rfa .zip
Rib System Capax only | .rfa .zip
Rib System Capax only | .ifc, zip
Linear System – Wall
Wall installation Rib | zip
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