Low emission wood

With our low emission wood, you can breathe out.
And everyone else can breath in.

The fibre gypsum core of Gustafs panels is regarded an inherently none-emitting source of VOCs, just like stone, ceramic, metals, glass and concrete. The panels are also completely impregnation-free and that is why our panels are naturally very low emitting, guaranteeing a healthy room air quality. We are serious about harmony in habitats and our extensive testing program proofs that our panels comply well with a long list of standards regarding emission classifications of building materials.


Naturally very low emitting

We add nothing to our gypsum based products. Gypsum is natures own non-combustible material and needs no fire retardants to be safe. Neither does gypsum need binders with isocyanates to turn it into a board. The small amount of glue and lacquers used in our products are NAF certified, meaning No Added Urea-Formaldehyde.

– No fire retardants
– No isocyanate binders
– NAF systems


Not affected by acoustic perforations

The emission rate of VOCs is very related to the claddings total surface area. Acoustic perforations can easily double the surface area of a panel and will especially uncover more core material. The fibre gypsum core of Gustafs panels is none-emitting and acoustic perforations will not increase VOCs.

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